
易 浩

发布时间:2023-01-10 14:17










  1. 科技部重点研发项目子课题,半导体用高纯氢氟酸制备关键技术、装备及工程示范,2022/10-2026/09,主持

  2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于相变潜热的磁选机励磁线圈强化散热基础研究,2022/01-2024/12,主持

  3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,基于蒙脱石纳米片/石蜡纳米胶囊的潜热型纳米流体设计与调控研究,2021/01-2022/12,主持

  4. 企业委托,罗布泊氯化钠产品制备相变材料试验,2020/12-2022/12,主持

  5. 国土资源部重点实验室开放基金,微细粒稀土矿活性气泡浮选与药剂吸附机理研究,2020/11-2021/12,主持

  6. 武汉理工大学自主创新研究基金,蒙脱石/辉钼矿纳米片径向多孔凝胶界面光热脱盐基础研究,2020/09-2020/12,主持

  7. 企业委托,高效黏土喷漆凝聚剂开发,2020/08-2021/03,主持


[1] Qijing Guo, Hao Yi*, Feifei Jia, Shaoxian Song. Design of MoS2/MMT bi-layered aerogels integrated with phase change materials for sustained and efficient solar desalination, Desalination. 541 (2022) 116028. (IF=11.21, Q1)

[2] Qijing Guo, Hao Yi*, Feifei Jia, Shaoxian Song. Vertical porous MoS2/hectorite double-layered aerogel as superior salt resistant and highly efficient solar steam generators, Renewable Energy. 194 (2022) 68-79. (IF=8.63, Q1)

[3]Hao Yi, Ling Xia, Shaoxian Song. Three-dimensional montmorillonite/Ag nanowire aerogel supported stearic acid as composite phase change materials for superior solar-thermal energy harvesting and storage, Composites Science and Technology. 217 (2022) 109121. (IF=9.88, Q1)

[4]Hao Yi, Yunliang Zhao, Shaoxian Song. Development of superior stable two-dimensional montmorillonite nanosheet based working nanofluids for direct solar energy harvesting and utilization, Applied Clay Science. 200 (2021) 105886. (IF=5.91, Q1)

[5]Hao Yi, Zhong Ai, Yunliang Zhao, Xian Zhang, Shaoxian Song, Design of 3D-network montmorillonite nanosheet/stearic acid shape-stabilized phase change materials for solar energy storage,Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 204 (2020) 110233. (IF=7.31, Q1)

[6]Hao Yi, Weiquan Zhan, Yunliang Zhao, Shuguo Qu, Wei Wang, Peng Chen, Shaoxian Song, A novel core-shell structural montmorillonite nanosheets/stearic acid composite PCM for great promotion of thermal energy storage properties, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 192 (2019) 57–64. (IF=7.31, Q1)

[7]Hao Yi, Xian Zhang, Feifei Jia, Zhenlun Wei, Yunliang Zhao, Shaoxian Song, Competition of Hg2+adsorption and surface oxidation on MoS2surface as affected by sulfur vacancy defects, Applied Surface Science. 483 (2019) 521–528.(IF=7.39, Q1)

[8]Hao Yi, Yunliang Zhao, Yiping Liu, Wei Wang, Shaoxian Song, Cheng Liu, Hongqiang Li, Weiquan Zhan, Xin Liu, A novel method for surface wettability modification of talc through thermal treatment, Applied Clay Science. 176 (2019) 21–28.(IF=5.91, Q1)

[9]Hao Yi, Feifei Jia, Yunliang Zhao, Wei Wang, Shaoxian Song, Hongqiang Li, Cheng Liu, Surface wettability of montmorillonite (0 0 1) surface as affected by surface charge and exchangeable cations: A molecular dynamic study, Applied Surface Science. 459 (2018) 148–154. (IF=7.39, Q1)

[10]Hao Yi, Xian Zhang, Yunliang Zhao, Yanyan Liu, Shaoxian Song, A novel method for the quantitative determination of defects on graphene surfaces, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 499 (2017) 62–66. (IF=9.97, Q1)





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